
Lady Dorrian Review Governance Group: terms of reference

Terms of reference for the Lady Dorrian Review Governance Group.

​​​​​​The terms of reference for the Lady Dorrian Review Governance Group are:

  • to champion shared ownership of the recommendations and commitment to the way forward
  • to act as the principal decision making body and only to utilise the Criminal Justice Board where either agreement/consensus cannot be made and/or reached at the Strategic Group level and/or where the issue is such that the Strategic Governance Group agree it requires the attendance of the Board
  • to provide advice, guidance, strategic direction, expert challenge and support to the individual working groups on the Justice Sector response to the Lord Justice Clerk’s Review Group Report and their developing reply to the recommendations
  • to determine the number of workstreams required to consider the report, recognising areas of cross‑over and the ability for stakeholders to actively participate, and the appropriate lead organisations
  • to identify and prioritise recommendations which can be taken forward without legislative change
  • to oversee and govern implementation which can be undertaken without legislative change
  • to ensure an evidence-based approach to policy development and a common understanding of what success looks like
  • to identify and map out key interdependencies (e.g. the Governance Group currently being established for the Bairns’ Hoose project)
  • to identify key resource implications and options for all justice partners in response to recommendations made by working groups
  • to promote collaborative working across the workstreams and more widely, most particularly with the Victims Taskforce and associated workstreams
  • to help steer future content of any Scottish Government consultation(s) on next steps and the identification of key milestones
  • to consider the implications for new or current initiatives relative to the Report
  • secretariat to respond to enquiries around the Group and progress in response to the Report
  • to provide regular updates to the Criminal Justice Board, the Lord Advocate, the Lord President and the Cabinet Secretary for Justice and Veterans
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