
Land reform in a Net Zero nation: consultation analysis

Outlines the findings from an analysis of responses to a public consultation on land reform in a Net Zero nation.


1 Scottish Government Urban Rural Classification 2020 - (

2 Economic contribution of estates in Scotland: An economic assessment for Scottish Land and Estates.

3 Scottish Land Commission (2021) Legislative proposals to address the impact of Scotland’s concentration of land ownership: A discussion paper from the Scottish Land Commission

4 Page 19 of the consultation paper reads “The SLC proposed to apply the public interest test to the prospective buyer of the land, on the basis that the purchase could exacerbate scale and concentration of land ownership if the buyer already held land in the area.”

5 Scottish Land Commission (March 2019) Investigation into the Issues Associated with

Large scale and Concentrated Landownership in Scotland.

6 SLC’s ‘ Legislative proposals to address the impact of Scotland’s concentration of land ownership’ (2021) states that: “It is suggested that the aim should be to establish a threshold that would ensure that family farms and small businesses would not fall in scope, but that modest estates that could pose risks would. It may be reasonable to expect that, for example, holdings over 10,000 ha would always be in scope, while those under 1,000 ha would always be exempt.”

7 LEADER is a European funding programme which supports rural community and business projects. In Scotland it is delivered as part of the Scottish Rural Development Programme in partnership with Local Action Groups.

8 Understanding the impact of scale and concentration of land ownership: community perspectives from the south of Scotland. Report for the Scottish Government. Available online:

9 30x30 is the commitment to protect at least 30% of land and sea for nature by 2030.


11 BiGGAR Economics, 2022

12 waygo is the effective date or termination date on a notice of intention to quit or a notice to quit of an agricultural leasing arrangement.

13 The Land of Scotland and the Common Good (2014) Report of the Land Reform Review Group.



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