
Land reform in a Net Zero Nation: consultation paper

The next Land Reform Bill will make important changes to the framework of law and policy that govern the system of ownership, management and use of land in Scotland. This consultation sets out the Scottish Government's proposals for the Bill and seeks views on a range of land-related issues.

Part 10: Small landholdings

There is a Programme for Government commitment to modernise small landholding legislation. This area of legislation is complex. It has not been altered since the early 20th Century and relates to a small number of individuals, mostly clustered in specific parts of Scotland.

We will be undertaking a separate public consultation with this group of individuals and stakeholders; this will form part of the consultation process for the Land Reform Bill, though it is not part of the main Bill consultation.


Q40. Would you like to be kept informed about the Small Landholding Consultation for the Land Reform Bill?

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