
The land of Scotland and the common good: report

The final report of the Land Reform Review Group.

Section 15 - Local Communities Footnotes

1. For example, see C. Bell and H Newby Community Studies, (Unwin, 1971); A. Cohen, The Symbolic Construction of Community (Tavistock, 1985); G Crow and G Allan, Community Life. An Introduction to Local Social Relations (Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1994)

2. R. Putman, Bowling Alone. The Collapse and revival of American Community (Simon and Schuster, 2004)

3. T. O'Leary et al., Appreciating Assets (Carnegie UK Trust, 2011); M. Shucksmith, Future Directions in Rural Development (Carnegie UK Trust, 2012)

4. A Wightman Renewing Local Democracy (Scottish Green Party, 2014).

5. Local Government (Scotland) Act 1929

6. Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973

7. Local Government (Scotland) Act 1994

8. SG Short Term Working Group (Final Report Sept.2012, Paper 4.1)

9. Jimmy Reid Foundation 'The Silent Crisis' (2012), Lesley Riddoch 'Blossom' (Luath Press, 2013), Andy Wightman 'Renewing Local Democracy' (Scottish Green Party 2014)

10. Section 34 of LR(S)A 2003

11. Companies Act Section 8 (112)


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