
The land of Scotland and the common good: report

The final report of the Land Reform Review Group.

Section 16 - Land and Community Development Footnotes

1. S Skerratt Community Facilities in Rural Scotland: A Study of Their Use, Provision and Condition (2008)

2. DTAS baseline survey 2012

3. Ibid

4. A. Wightman, The Poor Had No Lawyers (2010)

5. J. Hunter 'From Low Tide of the Sea to the Highest Mountain Tops'( Island Book Trust 2012)

6. DTAS Op cit

7. Ibid

8. For example, Assynt Crofters Trust, Borve and Annishader Township, Melness Crofters Estate

9. The need for better information at this wider scale is identified in "The Highlands and Islands Social Enterprise Sector" Final Report by ekosgen for HIE, March 2012

10. Scottish Government - Modern Trust Ports for Scotland: Guidance for Good Governance (2012)

11. Crown Estate Review Working Group ( CERWG) Rpt (2007) Annex 16

12. CERWG Annex 16

13. SG briefing 10.12.13

14. Tobermory Harbour Association ( THA) website: consultation doc

15. CERWG 2007, Annex 16 para 26

16. J. Hunter Op.Cit. and Community Land Scotland ( CLS) Op. cit 2014

17. HIE briefing to LRRG

18. For example, Carloway, where the community has voted to buy and the owner has agreed to sell

19. As was the recent case of the transfer of the island of Scalpay.

20. Scottish Community Alliance '5 Key Principles of Community Empowerment' August 2012

21. Community Energy Scotland lists almost 300 community renewable schemes , varying from small wind turbines to heat village halls to the larger commercial schemes listed in the text. See Local Energy Scotland maps many of these. See

22. DTAS 'Community Ownership in Scotland' (2012)

23. Ibid


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