
The land of Scotland and the common good: report

The final report of the Land Reform Review Group.

Section 23 - Rural Land Use Footnotes

1. 'Getting the best from our land - A land use strategy for Scotland' ( SG, 2011)

2. LUS (2011) Op cit p.8

3. Ibid p.1

4. Ibid p.3

5. Ibid p.4

6. SG briefing

7. LUS (2011) Op.cit

8. SG Briefing

9. K Buchan, K Matthews, D Miller, W Towers 'Modelling Scenarios for CAP Pillar 1 Area Payments using Macaulay Land Capability for Agriculture' (Macaulay Land Use Research Institute, 2010)

10. The Squeezed Middle Debate - Discussion Paper (James Hutton Institute, 2013)

11. Ibid

12. Ibid

13. C Warren 'Managing Scotland's Environment' ( EUP, 2009) p.184

14. Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009, section 57

15. J Glass et al 'Lairds, Land and Sustainability' ( EUP, 2013)

16. Ibid

17. Hutton Institute Op cit

18. Warren Op cit

19. 'Grouse Moor News' (Summer 2013) (Savills)

20. SG Briefing

21. SG (2011) Op cit

22. Ibid

23. for example, Scottish Government 'Our Rural Future' (2011)

24. A Hamilton, SAC session 12.2.14


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