
The land of Scotland and the common good: report

The final report of the Land Reform Review Group.

Section 24 - Pattern of Rural Land Ownership Footnotes

1. General Registers of Scotland, April 2014,

2. For example, A.McKee, C.Warren, J.Glass, and P.Wagstaff 'The Scottish Private Estate' in Lairds, Lands and Sustainability ( EUP, 2013) p.65

3. R Callander 'A Pattern of Landownership in Scotland' (Haughend, 1987)

4. Ibid

5. Ibid

6. Callander Op cit

7. A Wightman 'The Poor Had No Lawyers' (Birlinn, 2013)

8. Ibid

9. R Hindle et al Op cit

10. Wightman (1995, 2013) Op. cit, Warren Op cit

11. A Hamilton SAC Witness Session 12.2.14

12. Wightman (2013) Op cit

13. Factors Markets study / report

14. for example, K Geary 'Our Land, Our Lives: Time out on the global land rush' (Oxfam Internations, 2012),; Pearce 'The Landgrabbers: The New Fight Over Who Owns the Earth' (Transworld Publishers, 2012)

15. R.Millman 'The Landed Estates of Northern Scotland' ( SGM, 1970), J.McEwen Who Owns Scotland?' ( EUSPB, 1976), Callander (1987) Op. cit, A Wightman 'Who Owns Scotland' (1996), Wightman (2013) Op cit

16. R Hindle et al 'Economic Contribution of Estates in Scotland' ( SRUC 2014)

17. SAC ref

18. Wightman (2012) Op cit

19. Callander (1987) Op cit

20. J Glass et al (2013) Op cit SRUC (2013) (estates study), R Hindle et al (2014) Op.cit

21. A Bryan & S Westbrook ''Economic Impact Data 2014' (Community Land Scotland, 2014)

22. 'Voluntary Guidelines on Responsible Governance of Tenure' ( FAO, 2012)(15.2)

23. 20th January 2014, S4W-19122

24. Know Edge Ltd / submission 328 to LRRG

25. Submission 328 Op cit


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