
The land of Scotland and the common good: report

The final report of the Land Reform Review Group.

Section 26 - Crofts Footnotes

6. Crofting Commission Briefing 19.11.13

7. Scottish Parliament Information Centre ( SPICe) briefing (2010) Crofting Reform (Scotland) Bill

8. Ibid

9. Committee of Inquiry into Crofting (2008) Shucksmith Report

10. Ibid

11. Carter I. Farm Life in Northeast Scotland 1840-1914 (John Donald, 1979)

12. SPICe briefing Op cit

13. Shucksmith Op cit para 1.5.24

14. Crofting Law Group news release 28.10.13

15. Ibid

16. Ibid

17. SG Briefing 14.2.14

18. J. Hunter tweet June 2013

19. Scottish Land Court 2012 CSIH 96

20. LR(S)A 2003 Act - sections 71, 73 and 75

21. Act s.73 (5) and Crofting Community Body (Prescribed Form of Application and Notice) (Scotland) Regulations 2009

22. Act s.70

23. Act s.77

24. Act s.73

25. Act s.71

26. SG Briefing

27. A S Mather State Aided Land Settlement in Scotland (O'Dell Monograh No 6, University of Aberdeen 1978)

28. J Hunter, pers.comm.

29. The Future of the DAFS Estates in Skye and Raasay. Arkelton Trust (Research Ltd, 1990

30. Submission Ref 237 to LRRG

31. SG Briefing

32. Ibid

33. Ibid

34. Michael Forsyth, February 1996, quoted in 'From the Low Tide of the Sea to the Highest Mountain Tops' J Hunter (2012) pp.74-75


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