
The land of Scotland and the common good: report

The final report of the Land Reform Review Group.

Section 32 - Wild Deer Footnotes

1. Scottish Parliament Information Centre ( SPICe) Briefing 2013

2. SNH annual cull statistics

3. RACCE Committee - Letter to Minister - February 2014

4. Wheelhouse letter to RACCE March 2014

5. Forest Policy Group submission Ref 152

6. Callander & MacKenzie 1991

7. SPICe briefing

8. Deer (Amendment)(Scotland) Act 1982

9. RACCE Committee SNH evidence

10. Public Services Reform (Scotland) Act 2010

11. SNH evidence to RACCE Committee, 20 November 2013

12. SNH Code of Practice on Deer Management, page 4 (2012)

13. SNH briefing

14. R Putman 'Scoping the economic benefits and costs of wild deer and their management in Scotland' ( SNH, 2012)

15. Wheelhouse response 5.3.14

16. Callander & MacKenzie 1991, DCS 'Deer Management Groups' (2003)

17. Evidence from John Milne, former Chair of the Deer Commission, to RACCE Committee, 20 November 2013

18. Putman Op cit

19. Rory Putman "A Review of the various legal and administrative systems governing the management of large herbivores in Europe" (2013)

20. Wheelhouse to RACCE 5.3.14


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