
The land of Scotland and the common good: report

The final report of the Land Reform Review Group.

Annex 2 Footnotes

1. Dr Alison Elliot, Professor Jim Hunter and Dr Sarah Skerratt were appointed in July 2012. Professor Hunter and Dr Skerratt resigned for personal reasons in April and May 2013 respectively. Ian Cooke and John Watt, previously Advisers to the Group, were then appointed in April and June 2013 respectively. Pip Tabor was also appointed in June 2013

2. Appointed June 2013

3. Appointed September 2012, with Richard Heggie and Malcolm Combe appointed in April and June 2013 respectively, when Ian Cooke and John Watt became Members of the Group. Andrew Bruce Wootton resigned as an Adviser in April 2014


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