Land Reform (Scotland) Bill: child rights and wellbeing impact assessment screening

Child rights and wellbeing impact assessment screening document for the Land Reform (Scotland) Bill.


4. Is a Stage 2 Children’s Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment required?

CRWIA required ☐ No explanation required, please complete questions 5 and 6

CRWIA not required ☒ Please explain why below and contact the children’s rights unit to discuss this decision

Explanation why CRWIA is not required:

As noted above, the impacts on young people of the majority of these proposals is anticipated to be minimal. This is because there are not anticipated to be many young people in direct scope of the land reform proposals as landowners, due to the property values of landholdings in scope. Land Management Tenancy, agricultural holding, and small landholding proposals are unlikely to directly impact children and young people under 18 given the small number leasing land in scope of this Bill and so any impacts are limited to potential future positive impacts relating to the potential succession or assignation for small landholders.

The community engagement and land management plan elements of the land reform proposals are anticipated to have a potential direct positive impact on young people as part of communities. Given that only the high-level requirements on landowners are being set out in the Land Reform Bill, a full CRWIA in respect of these proposals for the Bill would not be meaningful. Instead, a full CRWIA will be carried out for the regulations which will establish the detail of what will be included in plans and how landowners should engage with local communities, including children and young people who live there.

5. Sign & Date

Policy Lead Signature & Date of Sign Off: Nye Todd, Fiona Leslie – 23/02/2024

CRWIA author, if different from policy lead, Signature & Date of Sign Off:

Deputy Director Signature & Date of Sign Off: Fiona Harrison (for Land Reform) 1 March 2024, John Kerr (for other sections) 4 March 2024

Date SGLD contacted 26/02/2024

Once signed off, please send to and publish on or relevant Executive Agency website.



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