Land Reform (Scotland) Bill: Fairer Scotland Duty assessment summary

Fairer Scotland Duty (FSD) Assessment summary for the Land Reform (Scotland) Bill.


1 Glenn, S., MacKessack-Leitch, J., Pollard, K., Glass, J., and McMorran, R., (2019), Investigation into the Issues Associated with Large scale and Concentrated Landownership in Scotland, Scottish Land Commission: Investigation into the Issues Associated with Large scale & Concentrated Landownership in Scotland

2 Poverty in rural Scotland: evidence review - (

3 Microsoft Word - Review of Fragile Areas and Employment Action Areas in the Highlands and Islands - Executive Summary (A2363434 (

4 Scottish Government (29 September, 2021), The cost of remoteness - reflecting higher living costs in remote rural Scotland when measuring fuel poverty: research report - (

5 Supporting documents - Scottish house condition survey: 2019 key findings

6 Wightman, 2024. Who Owns Scotland 2024 - a preliminary analysis. Available at

7 The definition of privately-owned rural land in this report is all rural land (so excluding urban areas) not owned by heritage bodies (NTS, RSPB etc), community bodies (Isle of Eigg Trust, North Harris Trust etc.) or public bodies (Scottish Ministers, SNH, MoD, HIE etc).

8 The land of Scotland and the common good: report - (

9 as above, Section 24

10 The impact of diversity of ownership scale on social, economic and environmental outcomes: Exploration and case studies - March 2016 (

11 Glenn, S., MacKessack-Leitch, J., Pollard, K., Glass, J., and McMorran, R., (2019), Investigation into the Issues Associated with Large scale and Concentrated Landownership in Scotland, Scottish Land Commission.

12 above, p5

13 McKee, A.J. (2015) ‘Legitimising the Laird? Communicative Action and the role of private landowner and community engagement in rural sustainability’, Journal of Rural Studies, 41, pp. 23–36. DOI: 10.1016/j.jrurstud.2015.07.003.

14 Roberts, D, McKee, A, Exploring barriers to community land-based activities – report for the Scottish Government: Exploring Barriers to Community Land-Based Activities (

15 McMorran, R., Glendinning, J and Glass, J. Rural Land Markets Insights Report. Scottish Land Commission, Commissioned Report.

16 Daniels-Creasey, A. and McKee, A. (2022) Understanding the impact of scale and concentration of landownership: community perspectives from the south of Scotland. Report prepared for the Scottish Government, 37pp

17 Just Transition Commission

18 p3, Review of Scale and Concentration of Land Ownership: Report to Scottish Ministers, Scottish Land Commission, 20 March 2019

19 Merrell, I., Pate, L., Glendinning, J. and Thomson S. (2023) Rural Land Market Insights Report 2023. A report commissioned by the Scottish Land Commission : SLC Rural Land Market Insights 2023 (



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