
Land Rights and Responsibilities Statement: a consultation

A consultation on the Land Rights and Responsibilities Statement.

Annex 1: First draft of the Land Rights and Responsibilities Statement

This draft of the Statement was published in the Future of Land Reform in Scotland consultation in December 2014 .


For a strong relationship between the people of Scotland and the land of Scotland, where ownership and use of the land delivers greater public benefits through a democratically accountable and transparent system of land rights that promotes fairness and social justice, environmental sustainability and economic prosperity.


1. The ownership and use of land in Scotland should be in the public interest and contribute to the collective benefit of the people of Scotland.

2. There should be clear and detailed information that is publicly available on land in Scotland.

3. The framework of land rights and associated public policies governing the ownership and use of land, should contribute to building a fairer society in Scotland and promoting environmental sustainability, economic prosperity and social justice.

4. The ownership of land in Scotland should reflect a mix of different types of public and private ownership in an increasingly diverse and widely dispersed pattern, which properly reflects national and local aspirations and needs.

5. That a growing number of local communities in Scotland should be given the opportunity to own buildings and land which contribute to their community's wellbeing and future development.

6. The holders of land rights in Scotland should exercise these rights in ways that recognise their responsibilities to meet high standards of land ownership and use.

7. There should be wide public engagement in decisions relating to the development and implementation of land rights in Scotland, to ensure that wider public interest is protected.


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