Land Use Strategy (LUS) Delivery Evaluation Project - Volume 2: Appendices
This report provides the fundings of the Land Use Strategy Delivery Evaluation Project undertaken in Scotland between 2012 and 2014. It evaluates eleven case study land use delivery mechanisms to ascertain their effectiveness in translating the strategic Principles of the LUS into decision-making on the ground.
Appendix 5. Land Use Delivery Mechanism Characteristics
Characteristic | Potential options |
Location / degree of rurality |
(Scottish Government 8 fold Urban Rural Classification[99]) |
Scale |
Rationale for spatial delineation of the area of land encompassed by the land use delivery mechanism |
Tenure/actors involved |
Partnership based |
The following criteria were used to assess the degree to which the case study was 'partnership based':
Breadth of activities/sectors covered |
Details of activities/sectors covered | Economy/Economic development
Climate change
Nature and landscape
Community development and health
Statutory basis |
Funding source |
Email: Liz Hawkins
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