
Language Development and Enjoyment of Reading: Impacts of Early Parent-Child Activities in Two Growing up in Scotland Cohorts

Language development and enjoyment of reading: impacts of early parent-child activities in two Growing Up in Scotland cohorts.

Appendix C: Additional Charts

Figure A.1 % of children doing both activities most days at 10 months, by parental level of education

Figure A.1 % of children doing both activities most days at 10 months, by parental level of education

Unweighted bases: BC1: n=5215, BC2: n=6126.

Figure A.2 % of children doing both activities most days at 10 months, by equivalised household income

Figure A.2 % of children doing both activities most days at 10 months, by equivalised household income

Unweighted bases: BC1: n=5215, BC2: n=6126.

Figure A.3 % of children doing both activities most days at 10 months, by level of area deprivation ( SIMD)

Figure A.3 % of children doing both activities most days at 10 months, by level of area deprivation SIMD

Unweighted bases: BC1: n=5215, BC2: n=6126.

Figure A.4 Doing frequent activities at age 3, by equivalised household income (mean score)

Figure A.4 Doing frequent activities at age 3, by equivalised household income (mean score)

Unweighted bases: BC1: n=4182, BC2: n=4989.

Figure A.5 Doing frequent activities at age 3, by level of area deprivation ( SIMD) (mean score)

Figure A.5 Doing frequent activities at age 3, by level of area deprivation SIMD (mean score)

Unweighted bases: BC1: n=4182, BC2: n=4989.

Figure A.6 Receipt and use of Bookbug, by equivalised household income (%)

Figure A.6 Receipt and use of Bookbug, by equivalised household income (%)

Unweighted base: BC2: n=6103.

Figure A.7 Receipt and use of Bookbug, by level of area deprivation ( SIMD) (%)

Figure A.7 Receipt and use of Bookbug, by level of area deprivation SIMD (%)

Unweighted base: BC2: n=6103.

Figure A.8 % of parents who accessed the PlayTalkRead website, by equivalised household income

Figure A.8 % of parents who accessed the PlayTalkRead website, by equivalised household income

Unweighted base: BC2: n=5013.

Figure A.9 % of parents who accessed the PlayTalkRead website, by level of area deprivation ( SIMD)

Figure A.9 % of parents who accessed the PlayTalkRead website, by level of area deprivation SIMD

Unweighted base: BC2: n=5013.


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