
Language learning in Scotland: a 1 + 2 approach

Report and recommendations from the Languages Working Group on Scotland's language education policy.


The Implementation Group should consider the short, medium and long term objectives required for successful delivery of the 1+2 policy. Among others, these include:

Short term

Setting up of an Implementation Group following Ministerial response to the Report and Recommendations of the Languages Working Group.

Invitation to key stakeholder bodies, e.g. ADES, COSLA, Education Scotland, Scotland's National Centre for Languages, SQA, GTCS, teaching unions, parent bodies, SCIS, universities (including STEC) business community (including CBI), Funding Council, etc. to contribute to the development of an engagement strategy including a possible languages summit to be held by the end of 2012

Audit and review of staffing and professional development support required by primary and secondary schools to deliver 1+2 policy, including building on existing MLPS training/ CPD strengths

Piloting and trialling of 1+2 projects, especially around the introduction of L2 and L3 languages in primary schools, during the school year 2012-13

Piloting and trialling of delivery of L3 in secondary schools

Implementation Group to engage with British Council, Scotland's National Centre for Languages and local authorities on appointment of FLAs and other native speakers

Preparation and dissemination of publicity materials (on-line and print) on the importance of language learning and the nature of the 1 + 2 policy aimed at parents, pupils, students, teachers and the business community

Medium term (2013 onwards)

Discussions on future language qualifications of teachers, including encouragement of more qualified language teachers gaining qualifications/accreditation in additional languages - Scottish Government, Local Authorities, schools, universities, GTCS

Review of piloting and trialling projects and dissemination of best practice

Trialling of a range of curriculum & assessment materials across a range of primary schools (relevant to issues of progression)

Development of university ITE and CPD for primary and secondary teachers involved in 1+2 delivery

Development of guidance and provision of CPD for FLAs and other native speakers involved in supporting delivery of 1+2 policy

Development of examples of good practice in language teaching in schools to showcase online or at events associated with language learning

Longer term (2015 onwards)

Review of all aspects of 1+2 implementation to include:

  • review of implementation of earlier P1 access to language learning to identify and consider ongoing emerging implications for 1+2 policy
  • review of nature, structure and content of qualifications and examination to take account of implementation of 1+2 policy


Email: Pam Semple

Phone: 0300 244 4000 – Central Enquiry Unit

The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road

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