
Language learning in Scotland: a 1 + 2 approach

Report and recommendations from the Languages Working Group on Scotland's language education policy.





The Working Group recommends that schools offer children access to an additional language from Primary 1.


The Working Group recommends that local authorities and schools develop a 1+2 strategy for language learning within which schools can determine which additional languages to offer. As part of this strategy , consideration should be given to teaching, modern European Languages, languages of the strong economies of the future, Gaelic and community languages of pupils in schools.


The Working Group recommends that the Scottish Government fund a number of pilot projects in 2012-13 on introducing access to language learning in primary schools from Primary 1 on a phased basis from 2013-14.


The Working Group recommends that a second additional language (L3) be introduced for pupils at a later stage in the primary school. The time for introduction of the L3 language would be a matter for schools and Local Authorities to determine but no later than P5.


The Working Group recommends that Education Scotland and Scotland's National Centre for Languages provide support for approaches to the introduction of the 1+2 policy including interdisciplinary working initially through support for piloting and trialling in schools.


The Working Group recommends that there be regular planned exposure to L2 and L3 languages.


The Working Group recommends that local authorities work with their schools to address the organisational and curricular issues arising from earlier access of learners to language learning.


The Working Group recommends that primary and secondary schools work effectively together to ensure articulation between the sectors in terms of content, skills and approaches to learning and to enable effective transition, progression and continuity between P7 and S, particularly for the L2 language.


The Working Group recommends that language learning be recognised as an entitlement for all young people through to the end of their broad general education, S1 to S3.


The Working Group recommends that within the broad general education schools further develop the links between language learning and issues of employability and citizenship.


The Working Group recommends schools develop language learning for L3 during the broad general education, choosing from a range of approaches including interdisciplinary working, and that these be piloted within the early stages of implementation.


The Working Group recommends that the CLIL approach be further explored as an option in secondary schools.


The Working Group recommends that local authorities ensure that their languages strategy (Recommendation 2) takes account of social deprivation challenges and of the different issues faced in urban and rural areas.


The Working Group recommends Education Scotland lead on support for curriculum development in schools within the context of 1+2 policy.


The Working Group recommends languages learning and development be supported by greater use of IT (including GLOW), social networking, media ( e.g. subtitled foreign films, television, radio) together with the development of opportunities in areas such as theatre, song, etwinning and international visits.


The Working Group recommends that schools provide all young people with flexible opportunities and encouragement to study more than one modern language to the level of a National Qualification Unit or course, in the senior phase, whether in their own school or through cluster arrangements with other schools.


The Working Group recommends that schools and local authorities ensure that young people have appropriate information on the value of learning languages to certificate level in terms of language and communication skills, employability and citizenship.


The Working Group recommends that SQA keep under review the suite of languages offered at certificate level in light of 1+2 implementation.


The Working Group recommends that there be further engagement with the FE and HE sectors to look to develop the experience of language learning for students.


The Working Group recommends that students undertaking a course of primary school teacher education have a languages qualification at Higher level, or equivalent ( SCQF level 6) either on entering the course of initial teacher education or on its completion.


The Working Group recommends that all students seeking to become teachers in primary schools undertake some study of the pedagogy associated with additional languages as part of Initial Teacher Education.


The Working Group recommends that local authorities should provide regular opportunities for primary and secondary languages staff to work together and to undertake shared CPD opportunities.


The Working Group recommends that universities work together as a consortium of university providers to support delivery of the 1+2 policy and that languages departments in universities play a greater role in working with schools subject to appropriate funding.


The Working Group, with a view to informing planning and resourcing, as well as CPD needs, recommends that an audit of the number of primary school teachers who are MLPS or GLPS trained be undertaken along with collection of information on how many of those trained are currently engaged in teaching languages.


The Working Group recommends that teachers with an interest and aptitude for languages teaching be supported in developing the range of languages in which they are qualified or trained to teach.


The Working Group recommends that there be a national recruitment strategy and campaign aimed at encouraging the ablest of young people with requisite qualifications and an interest in languages to embark on ITE in language teaching in secondary schools and teaching which will involve language teaching in primary schools.


The Working Group recommends that Scottish Government and Universities work with local authorities, drawing on the work of the Teacher Workforce Planning Group, to adopt a detailed planning process for identifying the need for future numbers of language teachers.


The Working Group recommends that GTCS promote improved professional standards in language teaching and encourage teachers to gain qualifications and accreditation in languages for example through raising awareness of professional recognition processes available to teachers.


The Working Group recommends that teachers continue to engage with the languages they are teaching through CPD, study, use of media and IT as well as through personal and professional engagement with native speakers of the languages which they teach


The Working Group recommends that the appointment of Foreign Language Assistants are considered a key element of the work of the implementation of 1+2 and work on this be undertaken involving local authorities, British Council Scotland and Scotland's National Centre for Languages.


The Working Group recommends that schools and local authorities consider the engagement by schools of other skilled and trained native speakers of additional languages to work under the direct and explicit supervision of the classroom teacher in schools.


The Working Group recommends that EAL work and delivery is incorporated into local authority strategies for the 1+2 policy delivery in schools.


The Working Group recommends further development of the links involving cultural organisations, local authorities, language communities and schools.


The Working Group recommends that Scottish Government set up an Implementation Group charged with developing an Engagement Strategy to deliver the 1+2 languages commitment.


The Working Group recommends that Scottish Government fully consider the resource implications for stakeholders supporting the introduction of the 1+2 languages policy and engage with COSLA to consider the case for making dedicated appropriate additional funding available to local authorities.


Email: Pam Semple

Phone: 0300 244 4000 – Central Enquiry Unit

The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road

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