Lantra Skills Matching Service: equality impact assessment

Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) for the Lantra Skills Matching Service, established during COVID-19 to help provide emergency labour and work opportunities in the animal welfare and land-based industries in Scotland.

Stage 3: Assessing the impacts and identifying opportunities to promote equality

Having considered the data and evidence you have gathered, this section requires you to consider the potential impacts – negative and positive – that your policy might have on each of the protected characteristics. It is important to remember the duty is also a positive one – that we must explore whether the policy offers the opportunity to promote equality and/or foster good relations.

Do you think that the policy impacts on people because of their age?





Reasons for your decision

Eliminating unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation


Skills matching service recruitment on basis of skills and suitability for post, rather than age. Protected characteristics only shared with the permission of the applicant when there is commitment to interview. This supports employers to make decisions based on skills rather than specific characteristics. This means age discrimination is less likely.

Advancing equality of opportunity


Allows for individuals regardless of age to get critical work experience in animal welfare settings. Also increases the scope of recruitment by increasing the range of applicants (geographic and sectoral) as currently recruitment is often through word of mouth only.

Promoting good relations among and between different age groups


Aimed at all people of working age. Suitable matches can potentially promote good relations between different age groups, especially where an older farmer has employed a younger person. As above, protected characteristics only shared with the permission of the applicant when there is commitment to interview.

Do you think that the policy impacts disabled people?





Reasons for your decision

Eliminating unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation


As above, 'information that an employer should know' is only shared when there is a commitment to interview, to ensure that there is no discrimination in the assessment of applications.

Advancing equality of opportunity


Due to the above, disabled people are potentially more likely to get to interview stage and hopefully to be appointed.

Promoting good relations among and between disabled and non-disabled people


Due to very low numbers of applicants / vacancies it is unlikely there will be more than one applicant per business, or that there will be a high enough number of applications from those with disabilities for this to be measurable. Lantra itself is a Disability Confident Employer and where it can shares this practice with others (see Skills Summit report). Where there are positive examples however, case studies will be shared.

Translating the guidance into Easy Read could help to eliminate discrimination, but is also designed to promote equality of opportunity and to foster good relations between people by ensuring access to information for people who have a distinct communication need and those who do not.

Do you think that the policy impacts on men and women in different ways?





Reasons for your decision

Eliminating unlawful discrimination


Applications screened and sorted based on skills, not sex.

Advancing equality of opportunity


Offering women (an under-represented group in land-based industries) greater opportunities to get experience working in animal welfare and agricultural settings.

Promoting good relations between men and women


By helping to increase the range of applicants for vacancies, there will be a corresponding increase in the number of applicants that are women. Increasing applications from women may help to address the historical gender imbalance in this industry and help to foster good relations. This could also demonstrate to employers, who are predominantly men, that women are keen and able to work in these roles, when the vacancies are communicated and 'advertised' openly (as opposed to a discussion at the mart).

Do you think that the policy impacts on women because of pregnancy and maternity?

Pregnancy and Maternity




Reasons for your decision

Eliminating unlawful discrimination


As this will mainly be operating during the pandemic, pregnant women have been encouraged to shield. It may be that some could miss out on opportunities as a result, but this would not be due to the SMS service.

Advancing equality of opportunity


As above.

Promoting good relations


As above.

Do you think your policy impacts on peopleproposing to undergo, undergoing, or who have undergone a process for the purpose of reassigning their sex? ( NB: the Equality Act 2010 uses the term 'transsexual people' but 'trans people' is more commonly used)

Gender reassignment




Reasons for your decision

Eliminating unlawful discrimination


As mentioned earlier, the skills matching service will help to ensure recruitment is based on skills and suitability for post. Whether someone is trans will not be recorded or shared with employers.

Advancing equality of opportunity


As above

Promoting good relations


As above, when they are in post, or even at interview, it should be clear that this would not impact on their capability for the role.

Do you think that the policy impacts on people because of their sexual orientation?

Sexual orientation




Reasons for your decision

Eliminating unlawful discrimination


As mentioned earlier, the skills matching service will help to ensure recruitment is based on skills and suitability for post, and not be influenced by sexual orientation. Only recorded protected characteristics will be shared with the permission of the applicant when there is commitment to interview, and as above this is not one that is recorded (GDPR requires that only what is relevant to the task is recorded).

Advancing equality of opportunity


As above

Promoting good relations


As above, when they are in post, or even at interview, it should be clear that this would not impact on their capability for the role.

Do you think the policy impacts on people on the grounds of their race?





Reasons for your decision

Eliminating unlawful discrimination


As mentioned earlier, the skills matching service will help to ensure recruitment is based on skills and suitability for post, and should not be influenced by race. Information on the applicant is only shared with the employer when there is commitment to interview, and race is not a factor that is recorded during their application.

Advancing equality of opportunity


As above

Promoting good race relations


As above, when they are in post, or even at interview, it should be clear that this would not impact on their capability for the role.

Do you think the policy impacts on people because of their religion or belief?

Religion or belief




Reasons for your decision

Eliminating unlawful discrimination


The SMS matching process is based on skills and suitability for post, and should not be influenced by religion or belief, not least as this is not recorded, so it can't be shared when there is commitment to interview.

Advancing equality of opportunity


As above

Promoting good relations


As above, when they are in post, or even at interview, it should be clear that this would not impact on their capability for the role.

Do you think the policy impacts on people because of their marriage or civil partnership?

Marriage and Civil Partnership[6]




Reasons for your decision

Eliminating unlawful discrimination x The SMS matching process is based on skills and
suitability for post, and will not be influenced by marital status, not least as this is not recorded, so it can’t be shared when there is commitment to interview.



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