Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services: inpatient report

A report recommending improvements to respond better to the needs of children and young people with Learning Disability (LD) and/or autism.

A3.3 Telephone interviews with clinicians

Telephone interviews were offered to all of the clinicians who submitted information to the study; these interviews were all carried out by Dr Susie Gibbs. The primary reason for the interviews was to gather additional qualitative information about the admissions/alternatives described on the questionnaires, particularly with respect to:

1. Pre-admission processes

2. Impact on local services and other service users

3. Issues related to cross border transfers

4. Issues/concerns raised by patient or family

5. Outcome/impact for patient

6. Outcome/impact for family/carers

7. Additional information/ comments

Clarification of information from the completed questionnaires was also sought and any gaps addressed. A 'crib sheet' was used to guide and order the recording of the telephone interviews (see A3.3.1 below).

Notes were also taken on more general discussion related to inpatient provision for children and young people with learning disability and/or autism spectrum disorder. Opinions were sought on issues raised in previous interviews, in order to build up and develop themes.

A3.3.1: Crib sheet for telephone interviews with clinicians

1. Fill in any gaps on questionnaire

2. Elaborate with discussion on interesting points made in questionnaire

3. Qualitative comments on pre-admission process, including

a. impact on other clinical work when complex/time-consuming

b. impact on children and families/carers of preadmission process

4. Issues relating to cross-border transfers, including use of the Mental Health Act

5. Issues/concerns raised by patient or family regarding admission/alternative arrangements.

6. Impact of admission/alternative arrangements on local services & other service users

7. Impact of adolescent being in adult ward

8. Where on non-specialist adolescent unit, what would have been gained by admission to specialist LD / ASD unit?

9. Outcomes/impact for patient

10. Outcomes/impact for family/carers

11. Any further info/comments (including would they share any internal reports/root cause analysis etc.)

12. Alert to questionnaire to be passed on to families/carers


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