Learning Disability, Autism and Neurodiversity Bill: scoping work analysis 2022 - easy read

Easy read version of a report summarising the findings of the Learning Disability, Autism and Neurodiversity Bill pre-consultation exercise.

What the words mean

ADHD - A condition that means a person can be restless and find it hard to concentrate.

Bill - A proposal for a new law.

Commissioner - A person who would be in charge of the new law about Neurodiversity.

Consultation - When the Scottish Government ask people what they think about something.

Disabled Led People organisations (DPO's) - Organisations that are run by disabled people for disabled people.

Dyspraxia - A condition that means a person finds it hard to coordinate movement.

Dyslexia - A condition that means a person finds it harder to read and spell.

Identity first language - When you describe a person by putting their condition or disability before the person.

Neurodiverse - a way to say that everyone's brain works differently from another.

Neurodivergent - Having a brain that works differently from the average person

Person first language - When you describe a person by putting the person first before their disability.

Public bodies - Any organisation set up by Government or local Government

Social model of disability - Understanding that people are disabled by the barriers in society, not by their disability.

Stakeholders - Someone who has an interest or concern in something.


Email: LDAN.Bill@gov.scot

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