
Learning/intellectual disability and autism: transformation plan

The autism and learning/intellectual disability transformation plan 'Towards Transformation' sets out to ensure that progress is made in transforming Scotland for autistic people and people with learning/intellectual disabilities.

Equality Impact Assessment

An Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) is being carried out as part of the development of this plan to ensure that best practice is implemented. It is important that we recognise that autistic people and people with learning/intellectual disabilities are not a homogenous group and that there will be those who identify with other protected characteristics within these groups. The EQIA will help us to identify areas of multiple discrimination.

An EQIA involves assessing the impact of new or revised policies, practices or services against the requirements of the public sector equality duty. The duty requires all Scottish public authorities to have due regard to the need to eliminate unlawful discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations. It covers people in respect of all aspects of equality (age, disability, sex, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation, gender reassignment and pregnancy and maternity). It helps to ensure that the needs of people are taken into account during the development and implementation of a new policy or service or when a change is made to a current policy or service.

A total of eighteen workshops are being undertaken to ensure that the needs and experiences of autistic people and also people with learning/intellectual disabilities are understood and taken into account. The findings from the EQIA will be incorporated into the implementation of the plan going forward.



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