
Learning/intellectual disability and autism: transformation plan

The autism and learning/intellectual disability transformation plan 'Towards Transformation' sets out to ensure that progress is made in transforming Scotland for autistic people and people with learning/intellectual disabilities.

Working towards Transforming Lives

Autistic people and people with a learning/intellectual disability want us to work with them to recognise and address the things that will transform their lives as well as the things we have recognised as a result of the pandemic. They also want to be empowered to make change in their own lives and to be leaders in their communities.

This needs to happen at all levels nationally and locally for change to happen.

People have a clear vision about what they want from their lives. In their day to day lives this means:

  • To have and be supported to keep good health
  • To have a good experience at school and for education to give us opportunities and choices for our futures
  • To be able to work
  • To be able to live independently but connect with our families and friends
  • To choose to have a family of our own.

These things are also the human right of every autistic person and person with a learning/intellectual disability but the evidence we have so far tells us that people still struggle to achieve their basic rights and often do not feel valued or respected.



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