Learning: For All. For Life. A report from the Independent Review of Community Learning and Development (CLD)

This is the Report of the Independent Review of Community Learning and Development (CLD), which was led by Kate Still. The Independent Review began in December 2023 and was commissioned by the Minister for Higher and Further Education; and Veterans.

Appendix: Related Publications

This document is part of a suite of publications related to the Independent Review of Community Learning and Development (CLD). This includes:

Learning: For All. For Life. A report from the Independent Review of Community Learning and Development (CLD) – https://www.gov. scot/isbn/9781836013723

Learning: For All. For Life. A report from the Independent Review of Community Learning and Development (CLD) – Learners Summary – https://www.gov.scot/isbn/9781836014904. A British Sign Language (BSL) version is also available via this link.

Community Learning and Development in Scotland and Internationally: Literature Review – https://www.gov.scot/isbn/9781836014911

Community Learning and Development in Scotland and Internationally: Literature Review – plain language summary – https://www.gov. scot/isbn/9781836015192

Independent Review of Community Learning and Development: a call for evidence.

Analysis report of the evidence gathered during consultation – https://www.gov.scot/ isbn/9781836015260

Community Learning and Development (CLD) – Statistics Brief presenting data relevant to CLD in Scotland – https://www.gov.scot/ isbn/9781836015208



Email: sgcldpolicy@gov.scot

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