
Cyber resilience: learning and skills action plan 2018-2020

This plan supports the development of cyber resilient behaviours and helps build a skilled and growing cyber security profession for Scotland.

Annex A – continuum of cyber resilience learning and skills

activity awareness raising embedding cyber resilience in curricula embedding cyber resilience in workplace learning developing cyber security specialist skills upskilling in cyber security building research capability and capacity
section of population targeted general population people, particularly children and young people, in education system, and in youth work and community learning; families digital end-users in workplaces, employers, including boards future cyber security specialists (currently in education or seeking retraining) existing digital technology specialists who need to increase their knowledge and skills in cyber security research specialists
outputs from this activity campaigns, signposting, communications, ambassadors/ champions curriculum guidance for professionals, learning materials, session plans, training, qualifications, ambassadors/ champions and families guidance for employers on effective learning programmes, training for trainers and learning & development leads, ambassadors/ champions national career framework; careers advice in schools, colleges and universities; families; specialist learning programmes including qualifications; retraining programmes; talent spotting/nurturing activities; better engagement between industry and education, ambassadors/ champions guidance for employers and employees on upskilling opportunities; better engagement between industry and skills providers (for example so that colleges and universities can provide bespoke training for employers) membership of professional body, ambassadors/ champions; qualifications and accreditation research activity; establishment of an industry/research forum ( e.g. Centre for Doctoral Training); start-ups and spin-outs from universities, expertise to meet industry needs
delivers on the aim from this action plan: A. increase people's cyber resilience through awareness raising and engagement B. explicitly embed cyber resilience throughout our education system C. increase people's cyber resilience at work D. develop the cyber security workforce and profession to ensure that skills supply meets demand and that skilled individuals can find rewarding employment in Scotland D. develop the cyber security workforce and profession to ensure that skills supply meets demand and that skilled individuals can find rewarding employment in Scotland D. develop the cyber security workforce and profession to ensure that skills supply meets demand and that skilled individuals can find rewarding employment in Scotland


Email: Clare El Azebbi

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