
Cyber resilience: learning and skills action plan 2018-2020

This plan supports the development of cyber resilient behaviours and helps build a skilled and growing cyber security profession for Scotland.

Annex B – Qualifications and courses that develop cyber security skills, levelled against the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF)

This table provides a snapshot overview (at February 2018) of learning programmes (qualifications and courses) available in Scotland at the time of publication of this action plan, including those which are planned for launch in the near future.

Several computing science courses at undergraduate and postgraduate level may also include cyber security modules.


PDA = Professional Development Award

HNC = Higher National Certificate

HND = Higher National Diploma

NPA = National Progression Award

SCQF Level Institution or Awarding Body Award
11 Abertay University MSc/ PGDiP Ethical Hacking and Cyber Security
Edinburgh Napier University MSc Advanced Networking
MSc Advanced Security and Cybercrime
Glasgow Caledonian University Graduate Level Apprenticeship in Cyber Security
MSc Network Security
Glasgow University Introduction to Computer Forensics and E-Discovery
Heriot-Watt University MSc Network Security
Open University Digital Forensics module
Graduate Level Apprenticeship in Cyber Security
Robert Gordon University MSc Information and Network Security
UHI Perth Managing Cyber Risk (Forthcoming)
University of Edinburgh Blockchains and Distributed Ledgers
University of Glasgow MSc Information Security
IntM Security, Intelligence and Strategic Studies
University of the West of Scotland MSc Information and Network Security
10 Abertay University BSc (Hons) Ethical Hacking
Edinburgh Napier University BEng (Hons) Computer Security & Forensics
Graduate Level Apprenticeship in Cyber Security
Glasgow Caledonian University BSc (Hons) Cyber Security & Networks
BEng (Hons) Networked Systems Engineering
BEng (Hons) Digital Security, Forensics and Ethical Hacking
Graduate Level Apprenticeship in Cyber Security
Robert Gordon University BSc (Hons) Cyber Security
University of the West of Scotland BSc Cyber Security
9 SQA PDA: Cyber Security (due summer 2019)
8 SQA Diploma for Information Security Professionals (forms the qualification element of the Modern Apprenticeship Framework)
HND Cyber Security (due winter 2018/19)
PDA: Cyber Security (due winter 2018/19)
7 SQA HNC: Cyber Security (due summer 2018)
PDA: Cyber Security (due summer 2018)
6 SQA NPA: Cyber Security
Diploma for Information Security Professionals (forms the qualification element of the Modern Apprenticeship Framework)
5 BCS/ ECDL IT Security 2.0
SQA NPA: Cyber Security
4 SQA NPA Cyber Security
Cyber Security Fundamentals
West College Scotland eSafety unit


Email: Clare El Azebbi

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