
Cyber resilience: learning and skills action plan 2018-2020

This plan supports the development of cyber resilient behaviours and helps build a skilled and growing cyber security profession for Scotland.

Annex D – Cyber Resilience Awareness Raising programmes

National Cyber Security Centre ( NCSC)

The National Cyber Security Centre ( NCSC) is intended to be the authoritative voice and centre of expertise on cyber security for the UK as a whole. It has a key role in managing significant national cyber security incidents. NCSC is a relatively new organisation – just over a year old – and continues to develop its advice and support offering.

Cyber Essentials Scheme

Cyber Essentials Scheme is a certification scheme run by the National Cyber Security Centre ( NCSC) aimed at encouraging all UK organisations to protect themselves against the most common forms of cyber-attack. Developed by the UK Government in partnership with industry, the scheme sets out a simple set of five technical controls to help keep internet connected systems and the data they hold safe:

Cyber Aware

Cyber Aware is a cross-government awareness and behaviour change campaign delivered by the Home Office in conjunction with Department of Culture, Media & Sport alongside the National Cyber Security Centre, and funded by the National Cyber Security Programme in the Cabinet Office (

Cyber Aware has a wide range of communications and marketing campaigns which focus on three key pillars:

  • Protecting your device
  • Protecting your data
  • Protecting your business

Action Fraud - National Fraud & Cyber Crime Centre

Action Fraud is the fraud and cybercrime reporting centre for England and Wales ( It recently launched a 24/7 helpline to combat cyber-attacks against businesses, charities and organisations, under which businesses can speak to specially trained advisors who can offer advice and support during cyber-attacks (see:

NB: Despite the fact that Police Scotland currently does not formally participate in the scheme, the website does not state that if you live in Scotland you should report cybercrime to Police Scotland.

Take 5 to Stop Fraud

Take 5, a national awareness campaign led by FFA UK (part of UK Finance), backed by UK Government and delivered with and through a range of partners in the UK payments industry, financial services firms, law enforcement agencies, telecommunication providers, commercial, public and third sector, to help tackle financial fraud (

Get Safe Online ( GSO)

Get Safe Online ( GSO) is a UK Government-funded free resource providing practical advice to individuals and businesses on how to protect themselves while on their computers and mobiles device and against fraud, identity theft, viruses and many other problems encountered online. Their website ( contains a dense library of content that comes under the following headings:

  • Protecting your computer
  • Protecting yourself
  • Smartphone and Tablets
  • Shopping, banking and payments
  • Safeguarding children
  • Social networking
  • Business


Email: Clare El Azebbi

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