
Learning for Sustainability: young people and practitioner perspectives

This report is based on research conducted by a team at the University of Dundee into the understanding and implementation of Learning for Sustainability amongst young people aged 14+ in school and community learning and development settings and the practitioners responsible for their education.

Terms used in the report:

Practitioner – used for all participants as an inclusive term for both education staff and CLD staff across all settings

Participant – used for participants in the World Café and focus groups

Respondent – used for respondents to the scoping survey

Abbreviations used in alphabetical order

CfE - Curriculum for Excellence

CLD - Community Learning and Development

COP - Conference of the Parties

CPD - Continuing Professional Development

DoE - Duke of Edinburgh Award

IDL - Interdisciplinary Learning

ITE - Initial Teacher Education

LfS - Learning for Sustainability

Nat 4 - National 4 Higher Qualifications

Nat 5 - National 5 Higher Qualifications

PSE - Personal and Social Education

SDG - Social Development Goals

SIMD - Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation

SQA - Scottish Qualifications Authority

UN - United Nations



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