
Learning together: national action plan on parental involvement, engagement, family learning and learning at home 2018 – 2021

Sets out a vision for parental involvement and engagement from pre-birth to age 18 and takes account of national and international evidence base and Scottish education system expertise. Provides a national vision but allows for local and community innovation and flexibility.


1. What Matters to You" is an approach developed in the NHS but some of the key principles are applicable to parent/education professional conversations

2. This responds to recommendation 3 in the National Parent Forum’s Review of the 2006 Parental Involvement Act (published May 2017)

3. This responds to recommendation 3 in the National Parent Forum’s Review of the 2006 Parental Involvement Act (published May 2017)


5. Scottish Government (2016) National Improvement Framework: Parent Communication Plan

6. This responds to recommendation 5 in the National Parent Forum’s Review of the 2006 Parental Involvement Act (published May 2017)

7. The National Parent Forum’s "Sharing Learning, Sharing Assessment" report provides recommendations and advice on effective assessment and reporting arrangements

In addition, there is guidance on "Reporting to Parents and Carers", available on Education Scotland’s National Improvement Hub

8. " ICT can contribute to improved parental engagement by providing a convenient means for parents to access up-to-date information about their child’s learning" Goodall, J, and Vorhaus, J, (2011), Review of best practice in parental engagement

9. This responds to recommendation 9 in the National Parent Forum’s Review of the 2006 Parental Involvement Act (published May 2017)

10. Bookbug and Read, Write, Count will provide parental involvement and engagement resources, hints and tips and reading, writing and numeracy materials to households across Scotland, encouraging learning through play. The DFM’s Holiday Maths Challenge is an initiative promoting family engagement in numeracy and maths games provided direct to pupils via school to ensure that all families receive them for the Easter, Summer and Christmas school holidays.

11. Responds to recommendation 18 in the National Parent Forum of Scotland’s Review of the 2006 Parental Involvement Act (published May 2017)

12. Responds to recommendation 18 in the National Parent Forum of Scotland’s Review of the 2006 Parental Involvement Act (published May 2017)

13. Also referenced in the Scottish Government’s Quality Action Plan for early learning and childcare, published Oct 2017]

14. This is achieved in a variety of ways, including offering guidance and the opportunity to provide comment and feedback through questionnaires. During inspections teams will have the opportunity to meet with parents in focus groups, taking their views into consideration as part of the inspection process.

15. This responds to recommendation 7 in the National Parent Forum’s Review of Parental Involvement (published May 2017)

16. The "Year 2" report from Connect’s Partnership Schools programme was published in February 2018

17. National Parent Forum of Scotland and Child Poverty Action Group in Scotland


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