
Learning together national action plan: update

This update to the 2018 – 2021 national action plan promotes flexibility and innovation as support for local authorities when developing their strategy.

Introduction and who this information is for


Five years have passed since the Scottish Government and COSLA published the Learning together: national action plan on parental involvement, engagement, family learning and learning at home 2018 – 2021 setting out a vision for parental involvement and engagement. This publication presented a national vision, informed by national and international evidence and expertise, but which focussed on promoting local and community innovation and flexibility.

Having listened to the voice of educators and practitioners, it is recognised that there is benefit in continuing to draw on the good work of the Learning Together plan. Although it is widely recognised that many local authorities will have postponed updating their strategies since the Covid-19 pandemic. This update, co-produced by the Scottish Government and COSLA, advised by stakeholders, continues those principles.

Local government has statutory duties for the delivery of education. Linked to the Verity House Agreement, this update offers an opportunity for authorities to re-visit how they engage and involve parents and carers in children and young people’s learning.

Who this is for

This update has been produced for local authorities to fulfil their legislative duties and requirements contained in national documents and strategies to ensure that:

  • effective approaches are in place to support and engage parents
  • parents and carers are involved in the work and life of the school
  • parents and carers are engaged in their children’s and their own learning.

The Learning Together plan encourages local innovation and flexibility and promotes relationships between school and home that are based on trust, meaningful and open communication, mutual respect and collaboration.



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