
Learning together national action plan: update

This update to the 2018 – 2021 national action plan promotes flexibility and innovation as support for local authorities when developing their strategy.

Family learning

Family learning is an early intervention and prevention approach that supports improved attainment and excellence and equity leading to positive outcomes for both adults and children. It can provide lasting impacts and improved outcomes including, helping families learn and develop together and breaking the inter-generational cycle of deprivation and low attainment.

In Scotland, the approach to family learning is based on the principle that families can be engaged through learning opportunities using universal and early intervention and prevention strategies. It is included within the parental engagement key driver of the National Improvement Framework and continues to be an important component of the Learning Together plan.

Education Scotland has supported the development and promotion of family learning in Scotland at a national, regional and local level over a number of years. This has been guided by the needs of families and practitioners and been influenced by the research community and through partnership working with the Scottish Government.

Education Scotland has engaged with educators and practitioners through consultation, co-producing and co-delivering professional learning sessions, for example, National Occupational Standards and professional learning activities. A national working group has also been established to support knowledge exchange and inform the practice of our future educators through Initial Teacher Education providers in Scotland.

Further information can be found in a number of key documents and resources that have been developed by Education Scotland, including The Review of Family Learning in Scotland and The Family Learning Framework.



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