
Tackling child poverty - place-based, system change initiatives: learnings

This report provides early evidence and learning from a range of initiatives that aim to tackle child poverty through working in partnership to provide holistic, person-centred support for parents and families.

7. Appendix A: Interview guide with key policy and analytical leads

Name of initiative:

Name of person(s) completing this template and role:

How does the initiative contribute to system change? In what way, does your policy aim to address any change in the current child poverty system?

What are the intended system change outcomes of your policy?

What are the range of actions or approaches planned to meet these outcomes?

Please provide detail as to how the policy will anticipate realising a system change.

How are you anticipating that the system change driven through your policy will support child poverty outcomes?

Please provide detail on the range of actions planned to achieve said system change outcomes in relation to child poverty.

Who is the intended beneficiary of your policy or initiative?

For example, does the initiative benefit service providers, service users, policy stakeholders, low income households as a whole, or also those in low incomes and with children?

If your policy considers the six priority family types in any way, please explain how.

What are the range of anticipated impacts for each beneficiary?

Please provide detail on how each intended beneficiary noted in the box above will benefit from your initiative.

At what level is system change intended to happen?

For example, is the initiative focused on localised system change or is it at a broader, more national level.

Is the initiative already being evaluated?

If yes, please include any links to the evaluation strategy or any other relevant documents (e.g. emerging findings)

If the initiative is being evaluated, is the evaluation exploring the system change element?



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