
Let's get Scotland Walking - The National Walking Strategy

The National Walking Strategy outlines our vision of a Scotland where everyone benefits from walking.

Annex A

Membership of the Working Group

Kim Atkinson Scottish Sports Association
Alan Craw Education Scotland
Ian Findlay Paths for All
James Fowlie COSLA
Campbell Gerrard Sportscotland
Riddell Graham VisitScotland
Rona Gibb Scottish Government
John Howie NHS Health Scotland
Jane Horsburgh Mobility Access Committee
of Scotland
Keith Irving Living Streets Scotland
Kevin Lafferty Forestry Commission Scotland
John Lauder Sustrans Scotland
Dr Donna MacKinnon (Chair) Scottish Government
Dr Niamh Martin NHS Health Scotland
Tracey McKen Transport Scotland
Annette Monaghan Mobility Access Committee
of Scotland
Dave Morris Ramblers Scotland
Professor Nanette Mutrie University of Edinburgh
Julie Proctor Greenspace Scotland
Peter Rawcliffe Scottish Natural Heritage
Professor Catharine Ward Thompson University of Edinburgh


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