
Let's get Scotland Walking - The National Walking Strategy

The National Walking Strategy outlines our vision of a Scotland where everyone benefits from walking.


1 NHS Health Scotland (2013) Costing the burden of ill health related to Physical Inactivity for Scotland. Edinburgh: NHS Health Scotland.

2 Blair S.N. (2009) ) Physical inactivity: the biggest public health problem of the 21st century. British Journal of Sports Medicine; 43:1-2.

3 Khan K.M, Tunaiji H.A.(2011) As different as Venus from Mars. British Journal of Sports Medicine;45:759-60.

4 National Institute for Health & Care Excellence (2012;2013 Walking and Cycling: Local measures to promote walking and cycling as
forms of travel or recreation. London: NICE.

5 Scottish Government (2012) Scottish Household Survey, 2012. Edinburgh: Scottish Government

6 VisitScotland (2013) UK Segmentation Research 2013. Edinburgh: Visit Scotland

7 Scottish Executive (2003) Let's Make Scotland More Active Edinburgh: Scottish Executive

8 Global Advocacy Council for Physical Activity (2010) Toronto Charter for Physical Activity. Toronto: GACPA

9 Scottish Government (2014) National Physical Activity Implementation Plan. Edinburgh: Scottish Government

10 Ipsos Mori (2014) Public Attitudes to Walking in Scotland 2014. Edinburgh: Ipsos Mori

11 Scottish Government (2013) Low carbon behaviours Framework: Influencing Behaviours - Individual, Social and Material ( ISM)Tool.
Edinburgh: Scottish Government.

12 The Equality Impact Assessment will also be published on the Scottish Government website.

13 Scottish Government (2011) National Performance Framework. Edinburgh: Scottish Government

14 Christie Commission (2011) Commission on the Future Delivery of Public Services. Edinburgh: Public Services Commission

15 Living Streets (2013) The pedestrian pound: the business case for better streets and places London: Living streets

16 Scottish Government (2008) Good Places Better Health, Edinburgh: Scottish Government

17 Scottish Government (2010) Steps for Stress Programme, Edinburgh: Scottish Government

18 Scottish Association for Mental Health (2011) What's it Worth Now, Glasgow: SAMH

19 VisitEngland (2012) Great Britain Tourism Survey ( GBTS), London: VisitEngland

20 VisitScotland (2013) Tourism Development Framework for Scotland. Edinburgh: VisitScotland

21 NHS Health Scotland (2013) Costing the burden of ill health related to Physical Inactivity for Scotland. Edinburgh: NHS Health Scotland.

22 A QALY gives an idea of how many extra months or years of life of a reasonable quality a person might gain as a result of treatment (particularly important when considering treatments for chronic conditions).

23 Department of Health (2011) Start Active, Stay Active - A report on physical activity from the four home counties' Chief Medical Officers. London: Department of Health

24 Paths for All (2013) SROI - Glasgow Health Walks, Social Return on Investment Analysis. Alloa: Paths for All

25 TNS (2007) Fife Coast and Countryside Trust Usage and Impact Study - Fife Coastal Path Final Report.

26 Sustrans Scotland (2013) Sustrans Scotland: Walking and Cycling Outcomes. Edinburgh: Sustrans Scotland.

27 Scottish Government (2014) An evaluation of the Commonwealth Games 2014 Legacy: Pre-Games Report. Edinburgh: Scottish Government

28 Department of Health (2011) ibid.

29 Hardman, A.E & Morris, J.N. (1997) Walking to Health. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 32.2

30 Scottish Government (2014) Somewhere to go and something to do - Active and Healthy Ageing: An action plan for Scotland 2014-16. Edinburgh: Scottish Government

31 Health Walks are short, safe, social, fun, accessible, low level walks led by trained volunteers.

32 Scottish Television Health Centre (Sept 2013) Walk your way to good health ahead of the Commonwealth Games. Glasgow: STV.

33 See Land Reform Act (Scotland) 2003 and Scottish Natural Heritage (2005) Scottish Outdoor Access Code (2005). Edinburgh: SNH

34 Sustrans Scotland (2013) Hands Up Scotland Survey (2013). Edinburgh: Sustrans Scotland. (n= 467,000 children from 2,017 schools and 540 nurseries surveyed)

35 Chillon, P. et al. (2011) Active Commuting and Physical Activity in Adolescents from Europe. Results from the HELENA Study. Pediatric Exercise Science, 23, 207-217.

36 Transport Scotland (2013) Smarter Choices Smarter Places (2009-12). Edinburgh: Transport Scotland.


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