
Let's get Scotland Walking - The National Walking Strategy

The National Walking Strategy outlines our vision of a Scotland where everyone benefits from walking.

7. Measuring Change

We will measure walking related changes within the National Indicators through national survey data as well as through the use of continuous improvement and the tools and techniques available through the Quality Framework:

Create a culture of walking: Scottish Health Survey; Scottish Household Survey; Travel Diaries and Sustrans Scotland's Hands Up Scotland Survey

Better quality walking environments throughout Scotland: Scottish People and Nature Survey: Greenspace Map; Scottish Government Access Authority Monitoring Progress Report (annual); Cycling Action Plan; Opinion Surveys and Transport statistics

Ensure easy, convenient and safe independent mobility for all: Neighbourhood Statistics; Scottish Household Survey; Scottish Transport Statistics: Reported Road Casualties

The implementation of this strategy will be evaluated as part of the evaluation of the National Physical Activity Implementation Plan and hence as part of the Games legacy. The delivery of this strategy will require a review of the current data sets to ensure that they are 'fit for purpose' in measuring walking. The review will also look for any gaps and potential additional sets that can be used. The strategy itself will be subject to review by the delivery forum.

A Programme Board of senior leaders will oversee delivery of the Physical Activity Implementation Plan including this strategy, monitoring progress and acting to deliver improvements. The Board will report to the new National Strategic Group on Sport and Physical Activity chaired by the Cabinet Secretary for the Commonwealth Games, Sport, Equalities and Pensioners' Rights.

Celebrating Success

Effective policy, planning and practice that contributes to the successful delivery of this plan should be celebrated. The Physical Activity Health Alliance is one that recognises this and will continue to highlight walking achievements as a key strand of future awards. To broaden this approach further we will encourage other organisations to consider the inclusion of criteria within their award systems that encourages the successful delivery of this strategy through new and innovative practice.


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