
EU Arctic Policy - SG contribution: letter from Minister for Europe and International Development

Letter from Minister for Europe and International Development, Jenny Gilruth, to EU Special Envoy for Arctic Matters Michael Mann about Scottish Government's contribution to public consultation on the EU Arctic Policy.

Dear Michael,

It was a pleasure to speak with you in September. I enjoyed our wide ranging discussion, and was particularly pleased to outline the Scottish Government’s interest in greater cooperation with the Arctic region and learn more about the EU’s priorities in this area.

Scotland is the world’s northernmost non-Arctic nation and we share many challenges with the Arctic. By working together and exchanging expertise, including at EU-level, we can develop joint solutions that strengthen the resilience and wellbeing of our communities.

As I emphasised in our meeting, in spite of the UK’s exit from the EU, Scotland is committed to remaining a positive and progressive partner in EU policy-making and we will continue to offer relevant expertise whenever appropriate. In this spirit, we welcomed the European Commission’s consultation on “An Integrated European Union policy for the Arctic” and I am pleased to share with you a copy of our response.

Our contribution draws from the Scottish Government’s Arctic policy framework and is structured around the three pillars of the current EU Arctic policy, with overarching themes and some of our shared priorities reflected in the conclusion.

I would be pleased to discuss our response with you in greater detail, and I know my officials have already extended this offer to your colleagues working on the consultation.

I would also like to express my personal thanks for your participation in the first event of our Arctic Connections webinar series. Exchanging knowledge and working across boundaries has never been more important. Our events are allowing us to promote transnational discussions on how we can build a fairer, greener and more sustainable future. I hope you will be able to join us again in the future.

Yours sincerely,

Jenny Gilruth

Minister for Europe and International Development

Letter from Ms Gilruth to Michael Mann - 13 November 2020
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