
LGBT Inclusive Education Implementation Group minutes: March 2021

Minutes from a special session of the LGBT Inclusive Education Implementation Group on 24 March 2021.

Attendees and apologies

Organisations represented:

  • Scottish Government
  • LGBT Youth Scotland
  • National Parent Forum of Scotland
  • Association of Directors of Education in Scotland 
  • TIE
  • Stonewall Scotland
  • Education Scotland


  • Equality Network
  • Respect Me

Items and actions

Welcome, introductions, apologies

Thanks given to attendees for making time to attend session outwith usual meetings

Phased implementation

Acknowledged this will be the last meeting of the implementation group within the current parliamentary term

End of this parliamentary term was original timeframe for implementation (March 2021) 

Covid has caused significant disruption to learning and teaching within schools. Still in early stages of return to classroom learning. Not an ideal time to be asking teachers to embrace the full, comprehensive LGBT inclusive education programme. Need a period of stability.

Suggestion made to adopt a phased approach to implementation. Most pragmatic solution in order to maximise reach- a lot of especially secondary schools would currently struggle with uptake and implement fully for reasons above. 

Three phase implementation approach

Document shown proposed three phases of implementation to the group and was/will be circulated after meeting to those unable to attend

Following the three phases, some implementation will be required over the longer term e.g. delivery of CLPL including to those entering the profession, input into E’s and O’s in next review of CfE, ongoing evaluation, development of new batches of resources etc. 

All stakeholders in attendance agreed to the proposed phased implementation. Agreement would also be sought from stakeholders unable to attend. 

Phase 1 rollout

Evidence that covid and subsequent learning from home has led to increased rates of bullying of LGBT young people

Prioritisation should be given to providing practitioners with resources needed to begin implementing LGBT inclusive education into their practice

First phase rollout will consist of first batch of curricular materials and classroom resources; launch of stage 1 CLPL e-learning; and launch of website to hosts these resources.

In early stages of piloting resources to pupils- made challenging by covid and resultant blended learning

Pupils who have seen the resources reported an increased awareness of LGBT people, history and issues; that the resources were successful in teaching about LGBT role models; and they believed they would help reduce disapproval of LGBT people in the future. website

This will be the online platform gathering together resources, online training modules, examples of good practice etc. Makes it easier for practitioners to have one clear location to go to for help with LGBT inclusive education. 

At stage of near completion- will be ready for launch by June 2021

Draft screenshots of website shared with group. Approval given of layout.

All materials, with the exception of CLPL e-learning modules, to be made publicly available. Intention to be as transparent as possible. 

Website will include logos of all members of implementation group- making it clear this is a partnership project 

Covid restricted ability to run full pilot. Smaller pilot with restricted number of teachers has taken place to ensure website is user friendly. 

Website will be compatible for use on PCs, tablets and smartphones

Group feedback on website

LGBT Youth Scotland have educational resources available. Expressed willingness to work with other group members to develop new resources. Agreed to discuss developing curricular resources at a future meeting.

Scottish Youth Parliament and Scottish Children’s Parliament invited to share examples of good practice. Flexibility within website to allow for this- blogs, case studies etc. Can come in the form of videos, written testimonials, etc. This can be built into the website as the youth engagement work is taken forward.

Website can signpost to other relevant documents and guidance e.g. updated RSHP and trans guidance, Education Scotland pages.

Parameters for hosting content/resources produced by external organisations on the website- need to meet remit of Implementation Group. Guidance documents can be uploaded or signposted through appropriate links.

All resources hosted need to be free to download. 

Action for future meeting- create sub group to assess resources and look at which are appropriate to host and how to integrate into website. Education Scotland resource audit will serve as a starting point as these resources have already approved by the Implementation Group. 

Financial restraints on website development- added features will need to be assessed against budgetary constraints.

CLPL stage 1 basic awareness training

To access, teachers will need to register on using school email account and GTCS number.

Stage 1 is a self-directed e-learning module

Overview of structure of module provided to group

Piloted with 142 teachers (primary and secondary) over 4 local authorities

Feedback from pilot

  • confidence in teaching LGBT inclusive education increase from average of 4.6 to 8.1
  • 99% of respondents said their understanding of LGBT inclusive education had improved
  • 97% said they now understand how to incorporate LGBT inclusive themes into their classroom practice 
  • 100% would use provided resources
  • consistent theme in feedback was teachers liked that the training compliments CfE- well integrated. Provided pragmatic ideas for how to incorporate into curricular practice
  • June launch to provide resources for the academic year ahead
  • ensure support available through summer holidays while some teachers are planning/familiarising themselves with the materials
  • Stage 2 CLPL will focus on curriculum development input- circumstances allowing will be delivered face to face

Group feedback on CLPL stage 1 basic awareness training

Post launch helpful for teachers to get together to talk about how they’re using the resources- share good practice. Suggestion by Education Scotland to host a Blether.

Work with Education Scotland to integrate into pathways for headship

Question on launch dates and school term dates. Avoid any expectation for teachers to work during holidays. Agreed this should not be an expectation- will continue to work with local authorities and teachers’ unions to confirm date of rollout to allow time to see resource before end of current academic year, and support upon returning to school in August. 

All stakeholders in attendance approved Stage 1 CLPL training resource. Agreement will be sought from stakeholders unable to attend meeting. 

TIE will arrange separate sessions to walkthrough the resource with any organisations represented in the Implementation Group who were unable to attend and have not yet seen the resource.

Any other business and date of next meeting

Date of next meeting will be circulated in due course. 

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