
LGBT Inclusive Education Implementation Group minutes: May 2021

Minutes from meeting of the LGBT Inclusive Education Implementation Group on 19 May 2021.

Attendees and apologies

  • Education Scotland
  • EIS
  • Equality Network
  • LGBT Youth Scotland
  • NPFS
  • Respectme
  • Scottish Government
  • Scottish Youth Parliament
  • SQA
  • Stonewall Scotland
  • TIE

Apologies received from:

  • Equality and Human Rights Commission
  • School Leaders Scotland

Items and actions

Note of last meeting

The note of the last meeting on 30 September 2020 was agreed for publication.

The note of the special meeting on 24th March 2021 was agreed for publication

Action plan and risk register

Updated action plan circulated prior to meeting - no concerns raised.

Continuous lifelong professional learning update

Majority approval of stage 1 basic awareness training confirmed. This resource is now complete will be included in phase 1 rollout.

National parent forum for Scotland inclusive education for parents/carers

Majority approval of document confirmed. This resource is now complete will be included in phase 1 rollout.

Teaching resources subgroup

Criteria doc circulated prior to meeting. Members with relevant resources encouraged to send these to TIE at earliest opportunity to allow web designer time to embed before launch.

Resources previously audited for inclusion on National Improvement Hub should be resubmitted on new criteria sheets. This will allow web developer to ensure resources are categorised and tagged appropriately on website, and ensure all resources are still up to date.

Process for uploading resources on a continuing basis- evolving website. As resources are updated, group members should fill out a criteria sheet and email to TIE,  who will send on to developer to update website. Short life resources subgroup consisting of members from Implementation Group will meet via email/Zoom call and agree resources prior to launch.

Phase 1 rollout

Progress update platform in draft form was shown to group in March, has since been updated. Content on e-learning finalised on basis on feedback from group. Videos for e-learning inputs have been filmed and are being uploaded.

Would like to produce a partner and stakeholder celebration video consisting of approximately 1 minute messages of support and highlighting key aspects of the new resource. Due to covid have needed to change plans to film in studio. Proposal that reps from partner organisations and individuals who have supported LGBT inclusive education self-film videos based on criteria provided by TIE, and send to TIE to be uploaded. TIE will have conversations separately with relevant partners.

Website and e-learning module ready for launch. Resources is main outstanding contribution (see item 3).

Pre-implementation, outstanding actions- partner stakeholder video (see above) and engagement with young people. Engagement session letters now sent out to directors of education, engagement sessions will be scheduled shortly.

Rollout plan

New Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills appointed May 2021. Scottish Government (SG) will provide briefing on work so far including proposed launch. Will request joint announcement with COSLA spokesperson and secretary. New cabinet secretary will need to clear launch. Will take action to send advice up as soon as possible and seek confirmation of date.

Currently website holds signed off statement from previous cabinet secretary- SG will send request for new quotes, either written or preferably video, from new Cabinet Secretary and COSLA for inclusion on website and e-learning resource.

Date for rollout to be confirmed, proposed for early to mid-June


Agreement that all partners will be involved to demonstrate broad base of support. Conversations ongoing with the Scottish Council of Deans of Education, School Leaders Scotland, Association of Directors of Education in Scotland.

TIE scheduled to present at NASUWT conference, EIS conference and Education Scotland professional learning webinars. Outreach to education community prior to launch so they feel supported in implementing LGBT inclusive education.

New COSLA members will be elected in August (after phase 1 launch). Schedule meeting to present plans for LGBT inclusive education to elected members- renewed focus on LGBT inclusive education at commencement of new school year

Once announcement made by Cabinet Secretary and COSLA, Implementation Group will agree on text of an explanatory letter to be circulated throughout Implementation Group members’ professional networks to raise awareness of launch.


June launch likely to be noticed and adopted by schools who are already actively engaged with LGBT inclusive education. Work from June into new school term on connecting with less engaged schools- Education Scotland can support through use of local and regional networks. Focus on making sure they’re aware of what is available. Most likely to be noticed and adopted by those already engaged/interested.

Feedback and evaluation of rollout

Require mechanism for continuous feedback from pupils and teachers throughout phase 1 rollout and ongoing. TIE working with Respectme  Evaluative tool based off Respect Me’s self-assessment toolkit. Aim is to have this ready to be piloted in early adopting schools from June then, taking into account feedback from the pilot, more widely rolled out for the new school term starting in August

Existing resources (CLPL e-learning and teaching resources) have already been sent out to test schools, with feedback gained informing the final drafts now ready for implementation

Education Scotland will assist with monitoring and tracking, using their regional model to assess the impact of the work at a regional level and ensure feedback gathered represents a wide geographical spread.

Communications strategy

Circulated prior to meeting. Annex to be added detailing timeline of phase 1 rollout. Key messages to be reassessed to clarify dissemination of key messages

Any other business

Clarification on shared approach to responding to queries or objections.

Suggestion to include the voices and contributions of young people in messaging around rollout. This can be explored and developed through pupil engagement sessions.

Date of next meeting

Special meeting prior to June rollout- date to be confirmed.

Provisional date of next substantial meeting- 18th August. Will be confirmed in due course.

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