Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy pilots: phase 3 - evaluation

Evaluation of the third, and final, phase of Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES) pilots, which involved nine local authorities and took place between November 2019 and April 2021.

2. Evaluation methodology

We carried out desk-based research on the nine pilots and conducted semi-structured online interviews (approximately 1 hour long) with participating local authorities, Scottish Government and consultants who were involved in the process, as well as organisations such as Zero Waste Scotland (ZWS) and the Energy Saving Trust (EST). At least one local authority officer involved the LHEES pilot from each of the nine local authorities was interviewed. ZWS and EST were not active participants in the LHEES pilots but their knowledge of LHEES (ZWS) and relevant data (EST) provided greater context and insight on opportunities and challenges faced by local authorities. ZWS and EST have had interactions with local authorities through shared workstreams and relevant workshops and so they were also able to offer their views on how LHEES have been perceived and applied by various local authorities.

The interviews covered the main aims of this third phase of pilots (the testing and development of LHEES methods, data and data gaps, and resource and skills requirements) and also the wider policy landscape and the idea of LHEES as a statutory duty. We collated and analysed the results to identify key outcomes, challenges and lessons learned from the pilots. We also held a workshop to validate the findings from the interviews by discussing them with Scottish Government and all the participants involved. We incorporated the insights gathered from this workshop into the findings presented here.

At the time of writing, 6 out of 9 LHEES pilot reports were completed and submitted to ACE-R for review and to be included in this evaluation report. Consequently, three Phase 3 pilot results are not included in this report.


Email: heatinbuildings@gov.scot

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