
Licensing of dog, cat and rabbit breeding activities: consultation

Seeks views on proposals to introduce new regulations for the licensing of dog, cat and rabbit breeding activities in Scotland.

Part IV: Consultation Questions

All of the consultation questions are listed below. When considering these, we ask that you take into consideration the information provided in this document alongside any other knowledge or personal experiences that could be relevant. All opinions are welcome.

We ask that you use either the online Citizenspace facility or the consultation questionnaire provided to respond to this consultation as this will help with our analysis of responses. Please try to answer all the questions; however if you are unable to answer any particular question then please feel free to move on to the next. The questionnaire and on-line facility will also ask questions relating to your interest in this matter and where you currently reside; this will aid in the analysis of the responses to this consultation.

In order for us to deal with your response appropriately in terms of making responses publically available, please ensure that you complete a Respondent Information Form. This will ensure that if you ask for your response not to be published that we regard it as confidential and will treat it accordingly.

Consultation questions

(You will also be asked to explain the reasons for your answer as appropriate in the space provided in the questionnaire itself).

1. The Scottish Government proposes that dog, cat and rabbit breeding activities should be regulated. Do you agree?

Yes ☐

No ☐

Don’t know ☐

2. Do you agree with the proposal to set the licensing threshold for dog, cat and rabbit breeders at three or more litters a year?

Yes ☐

No ☐

Don’t know ☐

3. Do you have any comments on the thresholds that should apply? Should these be different for the separate species?

4. Do you agree with the proposal that a breeding dog, cat or rabbit must not give birth to more than six litters in their lifetime?

Yes ☐

No ☐

Don’t know ☐

5. Do you agree with the proposal that as a condition of licensing, premises should only be allowed a maximum of 20 breeding dogs or cats within one calendar year?

Yes ☐

No ☐

Don’t know ☐

6. Do you agree that individuals with unspent convictions for animal welfare offences or other criminal convictions (e.g. fraud) should not be allowed to hold a licence for breeding activities?

Yes ☐

No ☐

Don’t know ☐

7. Are there other considerations, apart from criminal convictions, that should be part of a ‘fit and proper person’ test for those running dog, cat or rabbit breeding activities?

8. The Scottish Government proposes that reasonable costs of inspections should be charged to recover costs to inspectors approved by Scottish Ministers or local authorities. Do you agree with that proposal?

Yes ☐

No ☐

Don’t know ☐

9. Should licence fees be set by the authorised inspectors, local authorities or by the Scottish Government? Do you have any comments on what cost is reasonable and what should be included in this? (For example, this might include recovery of administrative costs, or payment for the inspector’s time etc).

Authorised inspectors ☐

local authorities ☐

Scottish Government ☐

Don’t know ☐

10. The Scottish Government considers that licences lasting from one to three years may be issued on the basis of a welfare risk assessment. Do you agree?

Yes ☐

No ☐

Don’t know ☐

11. Do you think that a national list of licensed premises and activities should be kept?

Yes ☐

No ☐

Don’t know ☐

12. Do you have any comments on who should be able to access information from the list, and if a charge should be made for information?

Yes ☐

No ☐

Don’t know ☐

13. The Scottish Government believes that enforcement agencies should be able to suspend, vary or revoke licenses or issue improvement notices for minor irregularities. Do you agree with this proposal?

Yes ☐

No ☐

Don’t know ☐

14. The Scottish Government proposes that new legislation will require compliance with any relevant Scottish Government guidance as one of the licence conditions. Do you agree that this should be a condition of licensing? If you are aware of any other relevant standards please comment.

Yes ☐

No ☐

Don’t know ☐

15. Do you agree that appropriate fixed penalties should be available for minor non-compliance with the licensing legislation? (These are not currently available for animal welfare offences but may be introduced in future.)

Yes ☐

No ☐

Don’t know ☐

16. Do you agree that the Scottish Government should discourage the breeding of dogs, cats and rabbits with a predisposition for specific genetic conditions, which lead to health problems in later life?

Yes ☐

No ☐

Don’t know ☐

17. Do you agree that as a condition of licensing, any breeding practices which are likely to cause the offspring suffering in later life should be prohibited?

Yes ☐

No ☐

Don’t know ☐

18. Do you have any comment on any other appropriate measures the Scottish Government could take to discourage harmful breeding practices?

Yes ☐

No ☐

Don’t know ☐


Email: Grant Campbell 

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