
Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005: consultation on application fees for renewing personal licences

Consultation on whether to introduce a fee for applying to renew a personal licence, and what the fee level should be.

The personal licence

6. The 2005 Act requires those who authorise the sale of alcohol to possess a personal licence. The provisions for personal licences are found in sections 71 – 93 of the 2005 Act. A personal licence is issued under the 2005 Act to individuals who have obtained a Scottish Certificate for Personal Licence Holders ( SCPLH) qualification.

7. When selling alcohol on licensed premises, the designated premises manager must possess a personal licence. In many premises, other members of staff also attain personal licences so that they can also authorise sales, conduct staff training, and as a matter of general best practice. Nearly sixty thousand individuals across Scotland hold a personal licence.

8. ' The Licensing (Fees) (Scotland) Regulations 2007' ( SSI 2007/553) (the 2007 Regulations) were made in exercise of the powers conferred by sections 136(1) and (2) and 146(2) of the 2005 Act to provide for the fees to be charged by Licensing Boards in relation to various matters under the 2005 Act. Regulation 17 of the 2007 Regulations set the fee payable when applying for a personal licence at £50:

Application for personal licence
17. The fee payable in respect of an application under section 72(1) of the Act is £50.

9. Section 77 of the 2005 Act sets out that a personal licence has effect, subject to conditions, for a period of ten years from the date on which it is issued.


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