
Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005: consultation on application fees for renewing personal licences

Consultation on whether to introduce a fee for applying to renew a personal licence, and what the fee level should be.

Purpose of consultation

18. The purpose of this consultation is therefore:

  • To consult on whether to introduce a fee for applying to renew a personal licence: and
  • If we were to introduce such a fee, to seek views on what that fee level should be.

19. In terms of next steps following this consultation, the Scottish Government will analyse the responses and if considered appropriate will draft and lay secondary legislation to update the 2007 regulations to embed any new fee into Scottish law.

20. Any legislative changes would be subject to the approval of the Scottish Parliament.

Consultation Questions:

(We would be grateful if you would use the consultation questionnaire provided at Annex B)

1. Do you agree that a fee for renewal of a personal licence should be introduced?

Yes / No

2. why?

3. Do you agree that £50 is an appropriate new fee level?

Yes / No

4. Why?

5. If not £50, what do you consider would be an appropriate fee level?

6. What evidence, based on cost recovery, can you supply for an appropriate fee level for renewal of a personal licence?


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