
Licensing to prescribe Diamorphine, Cocaine and Dipipanone: form and guidance

Application form and guidance to be used for all licence applications for prescribing, supplying and administering Diamorphine, Cocaine and Dipipanone for the treatment of drug misuse and addiction.

We recognise the need to provide a range of treatment options for those who are at risk as a result of their drug use.

Under the Misuse of Drugs (Supply to Addicts) Regulations 1997, the Scottish Ministers have the power to grant licences to allow registered medical practitioners to prescribe, supply and administer (or authorise the supply and administration) of Cocaine, Diamorphine and Dipipanone for the treatment of drug misuse. 

The application form and guidance were revised in June 2019. The new application form must be used for all applications for this licence. The guidance note explains the specific requirements for any application being submitted to Scottish Government, as well as setting out the conditions of the licence.



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