
Growing up in Scotland: life at age 12

Some initial findings about the lives of 12-year-old children living in Scotland, using data collected from the Growing Up in Scotland study (GUS).


1. In 2018, an additional 502 families with a child in the same age range were recruited to the cohort and have been included in the sweep 9 analysis. For further details please see the User Guide accompanying the age 12/sweep 9 dataset, available from the UK Data Service.

2. Resident is used to denote a parent living with the child in the household where the interview took place. Non-resident is used to denote a parent living elsewhere. A child may also spend time living with their non-resident parent.

3. Note, due to rounding, totals may not equal 100%

4. Note, due to rounding, totals may not equal 100%

5. GUS uses a method developed by ISD Scotland and similarly applied on the Scottish Health Survey to plot the exact ages of the children in the sample against the reference population data. While children’s exact age was used to calculate the BMI grouping prevalence rates (based on the interview date and the date of birth), results are presented using grouped ages based on age at last birthday.

6. Life satisfaction figures were corrected via an erratum published in September 2019. The correction increased the mean life satisfaction score for all children from 15.0 to 16.9. All sub-group mean scores showed a corresponding relative increase. Trends observed by sub-group did not change.



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