
Lifeline Air Services Glasgow and Barra: written authority - March 2003

Letters between the Accountable Officer and Minister for Enterprise, Transport and Lifelong Learning a written authority regarding the Lifeline Air Services Glasgow and Barra. A Written Authority is provided to Accountable Officers by Ministers in circumstances when delivering an action is inconsistent with the Accountable Officer’s Duties and a ministerial direction on the specific action is required to continue.


Officials had advised Ministers that the savings from the withdrawal of air services out of Barra would have a positive net present value for the implementation of the Sound of Barra vessel and route. A written authority was sought to act on the Ministers' decision to continue the Glasgow-Barra air service.  

Therefore, on 19 March 2003, Accountable Officer Nicola Munro sent Iain Gray, Minister for Enterprise, Transport and Lifelong Learning a written authority regarding the Lifeline Air Services Glasgow and Barra. Download a copy of the written authority and a copy of the formal request.


Date of written authority: 19/03/03 (1st Scottish Parliamentary Session)
Portfolio: Enterprise, Transport and Lifelong Learning (ETLLD)
Accountable Officer: Nicola Munro
Minister: Iain Gray



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