
Lifeline Air Services Glasgow and Barra: written authority - March 2003

Letters between the Accountable Officer and Minister for Enterprise, Transport and Lifelong Learning a written authority regarding the Lifeline Air Services Glasgow and Barra. A Written Authority is provided to Accountable Officers by Ministers in circumstances when delivering an action is inconsistent with the Accountable Officer’s Duties and a ministerial direction on the specific action is required to continue.

Request for written authority

To: Ms N S Munro
From: Iain Gray
Date: 19 March 2003

Section 15(8) of the Finance and Accountability (Scotland) Act 2000: Lifeline Air Services Glasgow to Barra

  1. This Minute requests that you issue to me, as the relevant Accountable Officer, written authority to implement the decision reached by Ministers on 18 March 2003 that the lifeline air service be continued for a further two years, 1 April 2004 to 31 March 2006, beyond the one year contract which has recently been negotiated, 1 April 2003 to 31 March 2004, for the Glasgow - Barra air service.
  2. Officials advised Ministers in October 2001 that, the savings from (a) dis-continuing the air services between Barra and Glasgow and (b) the Barra-Benbecula service, would have a positive NPV for the Sound of Barra vessel. It was agreed· that Caledonian MacBrayne should take forward proposals to build a new vessel ·for its Sound of Harris route, allowing the cascade of the present Sound of Harris vessel to a new Sound of Barra service. It would be inconsistent with the proper performance of my duties, which require me to have regard to value for money in the use of public expenditure, to act on the Ministers' decision to continue the Glasgow - Barra air service for a further two year period commencing 1 April 2004.
  3. In these circumstances, I consider that it is my duty in terms of Sections 15(6)(b) and 15(8) of the Finance and Accountability (Scotland) Act 2000, to obtain written Ministerial authority before I proceed with the tendering of the Glasgow - Barra air service for a further two year period beyond the tendering exercise for the one year period commencing 1 April 2004, shortly to be announced.
  4. The Ministerial authority would apply to actions taken by any Executive official as I consider necessary to implement the Ministers' decision as regards the air service between Glasgow and Barra.

Iain Gray
19 March 2003



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