
Lifeline Air Services Glasgow and Barra: written authority - March 2003

Letters between the Accountable Officer and Minister for Enterprise, Transport and Lifelong Learning a written authority regarding the Lifeline Air Services Glasgow and Barra. A Written Authority is provided to Accountable Officers by Ministers in circumstances when delivering an action is inconsistent with the Accountable Officer’s Duties and a ministerial direction on the specific action is required to continue.

Written authority

From: Minister for Enterprise, Transport and Lifelong Learning
To: N S Munro
DAte: 19 March 2003

Section 15(8) of the Finance and Accountability (Scotland) Act 200: Lifeline Air Services Glasgow to Barra

  1. I refer to your Minute of earlier today, 19 March 2003, requesting written authority to implement the Ministers' decision of 18 March 2003 regarding the Glasgow to Barra air service.
  2. In terms of Section 15(8) of the Public Finance and Accountability (Scotland) Act 2000 I hereby authorise you, as appropriate Accountable Officer, to proceed with the tendering of the Glasgow to Barra air service for the two year period commencing 1 April 2004.
  3. This authority extends to the implementation of any decision Ministers may take as a result of the procurement process to award a contract for the Glasgow to Barra air service, and to any subsequent payments under that contract,

N S Munro
19 March 2003





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