
Links Project Report:developing the connections between general practices and their communities

The Links Project was established between October 2010 and May 2011. Staff in ten Scottish General Practices explored connections with their communities. Six of the practices were in areas of deprivation in Glasgow and four in different areas of Fife.

Introduction to Links Project closing event

Frank Strang, Deputy Director Primary Care, Scottish Government and Chair of the Links Project Steering Group, welcomed 34 delegates to the final process of Links Project. The purpose of the event was hear feedback from participants, identify key learning points and contribute ideas on what should happen next. Mr Strang announced that the Scottish Government had awarded a fund to a partnership between RCGP (Royal College of General Practitioners in Scotland) and LTCAS (Long Term Conditions Alliance Scotland) to develop the Links Project and so it was important that delegates helped shape next steps.


Email: Tim Warren

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