
Approved products for use in the UK's public water supply

A list of the products approved for use in contact with drinking water in the UK.


All approved products must be used in accordance with the specific conditions of approval, listed against the product names in Parts A-E. In addition, the following general conditions of approval apply to all approved products:

(1) That use is in accordance with an Instructions for Use document. Approval holders must provide water undertakers 4 with copies of the Instructions for Use Document that was considered by the Drinking Water Inspectorate ( DWI) when approval was recommended.

(2) That the approval of the t Authorities is obtained on condition that there shall be:

  • no change in the formulation of the approved product, including change in the source or identity of raw materials
  • no change in the manufacturing process, including location of manufacture
  • no change in designation of the approved product
  • no change in name or ownership of the organisation holding the approval

(3) That the producer shall ensure that the product is tested for conformity with its formulation, and the source or identity of its raw materials, at such intervals and by such persons, as may be determined by the Authorities. The results of such testing shall be sent to the UK Authorities.

(4) If there is suspicion that any of the above is not being followed or has been changed then notify DWI Regulation 31 team who will investigate (


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