
Literacy Action Plan: An Action Plan to Improve Literacy in Scotland

An action plan to raise standards of literacy for all from the early years to adulthood.


This action plan signals our commitment to a heightened, more targeted focus for improving literacy skills in Scotland through better co-ordination and partnership working focused on clear objectives.

Improvements cannot be confined to a particular sector or point in a learner's journey. Literacy development starts from birth. Early years settings and schools develop children and young people's basic and advanced literacy skills and in adulthood the ongoing development of literacy skills helps to advance personal achievements, employment prospects and participation in society.

Our overarching vision is therefore to raise standards of literacy for all from the early years to adulthood. This will require sustained commitment and continuing action at all levels of government, and through support at all points of the education system and wider public services. There will be a particular focus on those with the lowest levels of literacy.

The purpose of this Literacy Action Plan is to deliver this vision.

This action plan will build on existing good practice and ensure that literacy will have a central and continuing focus in education and related Government policies. It provides the strategic direction for improving literacy across the Scottish population while each local authority, working with relevant partners will, we trust, develop local literacy strategies which reflect their own needs.

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