
Literacy Action Plan: An Action Plan to Improve Literacy in Scotland

An action plan to raise standards of literacy for all from the early years to adulthood.


Early years settings and schools are only some of the many settings where action is needed and a focus on the full learning continuum is important if we are to achieve our ambitions for literacy. We will continue to take action to support individuals to develop literacy skills at different stages of learning, and within different contexts - in the early years, the school years and throughout adulthood.

In Scotland we have well established policy frameworks through which action to improve literacy across the key life stages in Scotland is focused: The Early Years Framework and Curriculum for Excellence being of central importance. Getting it right for every child ( GIRFEC) is the national programme for all who work with children and young people which underpins these and broader related frameworks.

Within these frameworks, as well as building reading, writing and communication skills, learners will be supported to move on to the development of advanced literacy skills, including critical thinking, analysis, evaluating and interpretation.

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